Perform a transaction from DeFiChain to Ethereum

If you want to transfer your DeFiChain tokens (dBTC, dETH, etc) to Ethereum Network

Step #1

Ensure your Ethereum wallet is connected on the bridge and you're on MainNet.

Step 1 - Metamask Connected.gif

Step #2

Switch the source network by either toggling the center button or clicking the dropdown for Source Network.

Switch by selecting option on Source Network

Switch by selecting option on Source Network

Switch by toggling on the arrow icon

Switch by toggling on the arrow icon

Step #3

Select the dToken that you would like to bridge and the amount you would like to transfer. (USDT/C support coming soon 👀)

Step 3.gif

<aside> ⚠️ Make sure you have sufficient amount of dTokens to send in your DeFiChain Wallet


Step #4

Enter your ERC20 wallet address and wait for it to be verified