Last updated August 28, 2022 12:08 PM (GMT+8)


DeFiChain has allocated one million DFI tokens from a Community Funding Proposal to incentivize liquidity mining for the DFI/ETH, DFI/USDT, and the new DFI/USDC pair on Uniswap, and to increase the utility of ERC-20 DFI.

To participate in the liquidity mining program, liquidity providers can do so through a dedicated dApp at [](<>).

Rewards Distribution Schedule

The regular liquidity mining rewards will be distributed as follows:

  1. DFI/ETH or DFI/WETH pair at 0.5 DFI per Ethereum block
  2. DFI/USDT pair at 0.25 DFI per Ethereum block
  3. DFI/USDC pair at 0.25 DFI per Ethereum block

Rewards will be distributed according to the following schedule:

Dates Rewards Rate
Through @August 22, 2022 5:00 PM (GMT+8) Constant 1% rate of the regular liquidity mining rewards shown above.
From @August 22, 2022 5:00 PM (GMT+8) [Current] Regular liquidity mining rewards shown above.
From @August 29, 2022 5:00 PM (GMT+8) Block reward is scheduled to reduce by 4% approximately every 7 days thereafter (in blocks), just like DFI emission rate on DeFiChain mainnet.


What do I need to participate in this program?

You will need: